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Hello ppl. I'm a Alien from Exo planet. Part time as Exostan. Great planet full with 12 wolf that I love damn much. (Suho, Chen, Baekhyun, Luhan, Kris, Sehun, D.O, Tao, Kai, Xiumin, Lay, Chanyeol). Btw, Don't forget to leave your footstep.


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© 2013 - Skins by Adila, Full edited by Han, Own by Fatin and basecode Mayra.
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Friday 24 May 2013 | 0 Comments

hye ;) mesti sume ade facebook kn ?? yela ~ jarang nk jmpe org yg x de fb knn ?? haha :3 meh2..nk kongsi fb kite :) nih fb fatin 

rjin2 la tkn link tuh and like yaww !! hehe ;) anyway !! follow blog fatin ekk ;) syg korang :* meh la share fb krg kt kotak 
" comment " ... selamat berkenalan ;) kitaa kwn !! hahaxs xD 
sharing is caring :) bile krg tgk fatin x post ape2..means fatin kt asrama ~ bsn knn dok asrama ?? tp !! demi parents !! belajar no.1 !! :) kayh la !! rjin2 tgn anda tkn butang add fren ye ;) bye !! 

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