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Hello ppl. I'm a Alien from Exo planet. Part time as Exostan. Great planet full with 12 wolf that I love damn much. (Suho, Chen, Baekhyun, Luhan, Kris, Sehun, D.O, Tao, Kai, Xiumin, Lay, Chanyeol). Btw, Don't forget to leave your footstep.


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Lay blood coagulation disorder T^T
Monday 2 December 2013 | 0 Comments

tengok je taju msty semua EXOtics and EXOstans mcm nk mnangis knn ??
relaks ~ fatin pun rasa mcm nk mnangis ~ bile DITAHAN tangisan ~ mkin menjadi jadi pulak air mata nih nk keluar ~ :'( sbnrnya dh lme dh LAY sakit ~ 
ini ape yg fatin jumpa kat fb ~ rsenye drg nk REMIND blik fans yg menyakiti EXO !
" [INFO] Lay has blood coagulation disorder. If you guys don't know what a coagulation disorder is, it is when the blood has trouble forming clots. So if Lay were to have an injury, he would have heavy bleeding and would have difficultly to stop the bleeding. So to all the fans out there, please be careful around Lay. In most of the choatic airport photos, Lay seems to be the most protective member. So don't push him around and crowd him because accidents may happen. Let's protect him together . "
msty ade beberapa org x thu ape tuh blood coagulation disorder knn ?? actually blood coagulation disorder tuh mcm nih ~ ianya merupakan darah yg susah nk kering / berhenti ... means that kla lay luka,,,drah dye ssh nk berhenti / kering n boleh menyebabkan dye KEKURANGAN DARAH .. so kita sbgai fans ~ knelah jaga dye :) lagi satu penyakit dye...darah yg susah terima drah lain :( ~ yg nih fatin x tau cmne nk xplain ... mianhe :'( 

so ... kita sebagai FANS , EXOtics , EXOstans , marilah sama2 mendoakan kesihatan dye :) 

* get well soon lay :) we always support you wherever you are * 

nae :) annyeong ! 

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