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Hello ppl. I'm a Alien from Exo planet. Part time as Exostan. Great planet full with 12 wolf that I love damn much. (Suho, Chen, Baekhyun, Luhan, Kris, Sehun, D.O, Tao, Kai, Xiumin, Lay, Chanyeol). Btw, Don't forget to leave your footstep.


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© 2013 - Skins by Adila, Full edited by Han, Own by Fatin and basecode Mayra.
Good Luck Cratalyx !!
Tuesday 4 June 2013 | 0 Comments

hye :) td aq bkk fbb.. tup tup ~ terfikir psl team f1 form 4 "CRATALYX F1" truss type :) perghh !! dh maju dh team tuh :) haha xDD anyway !! gud luck team f1 elite !! i always support u !! hehe =3 meh !! like fb cratalyx :)

thun dpn cratalyx buat yg tbaik ehh ?? banggakn cg norazrina :) she the legend teacher :) i totally proud of her :)gud luck guys !!

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