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Hello ppl. I'm a Alien from Exo planet. Part time as Exostan. Great planet full with 12 wolf that I love damn much. (Suho, Chen, Baekhyun, Luhan, Kris, Sehun, D.O, Tao, Kai, Xiumin, Lay, Chanyeol). Btw, Don't forget to leave your footstep.


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My Imagine ( You're MINE Part 2 ( a ) )
Sunday 24 November 2013 | 0 Comments

« You're MINE »
sambungan ~ { part 2 }
luhan mendekati krg,,,muka krg dkt sngt ngan muke dye,,,korg pon jdy tkut,,
luhan : comel jugak kau ni kann  *cubit pipi korg
korg : ceyh ! yaaa ! luhan ahh ! kau ni buat aq tkut jew  
luhan : dh dh,pgy bsiap,,,jum pgy shopping
korg : knp plak aq nk kne teman kau ? ajkla sehun ke , kai ke , suho ke , lay ke , chan *tiba tiba luhan ttup mulut korg,,,
luhan : aku nk kau teman aq,,,aq x nk org lain,,arasseo ! pgy bsiap sne -,,- ( degil jugak budak nih,,tapi comel *dlm aty )
korg : hurmmm yla,,, *pgy bsiap

[ at shopping mall ]
korg jln blkg luhan sbb tkut nk bjalan sblh dye,,then luhan geram,,
luhan : yaa ! palli !
luhan pgy kt korg n pgg tgn korg,,luhan pon bwk korg bersiar siar dlm mall tuh,,,
ttiba krg nmpk stu kedai tuh,,,kedai teddy bear ~
korg : omo ! jinjja kyeoptaa !
luhan : tapi aku lagy cute *making SUPER DUPER cute face
korg : ( comelnye luhan *dlm aty ) perasan !
luhan : ehhh betul lha,,,kau nih kan,,hishh,,,
korg :  lps nih kau nk prgy mne ?
luhan : kdai cincin jumm 
korg : kau nk kawen keee ? 
luhan : ha'ah
korg : dgn spe ?
luhan : org sblh aq 
korg : *speechless *blushing

[ at ring shop ]
luhan : kau rse yg tuh cantik x ? *tunjuk dkt couple ring
korg : cantik ! 
luhan : can i look that rings ?
penjual : yes sir
luhan : *amik cincin tuh meh tgn !
korg : errr *hulur tgn
luhan : *sarungkan cincin.,,awk,,,jgn hilangkn cincin nih tau,,,klau awk hilngkan,,,siap awk ! *kiss you
korg : nae 
luhan : here the money,,,keep the change 
penjual : tq
luhan : wc
korg n luhan pon pgy restoran plakk,,
then,,tiba tiba korg n luhan nmpk kai dkt restoran tuh dgn sorg prempuan,,,luhan decide untuk dduk dkt meja berdektan,,
korg : yaa ! knp awk dduk dkt ngan drg huh ?
luhan : *tutup mulut korg,,,shhhh ! ppuan tuh org yg langgar kai dkt canteen pgy td,,,tp saya x sure tuh spe,,,
korg : *alihkn tgn luhan,,,owhhh,,,
luhan : opps mianhe 
korg : nvm,,,awk,,sye lapar,,xD
luhan : omo,,,my girl very cute  waiter !
* waiter dtg *
luhan : awk nk mkn ape ?
korg : carbonara and a glass of iced lemon tea please 
luhan : nae,,i want that too, ,,,so, two plate of carbonara and two glass of iced lemon tea 
waiter : thats all ?
korg : no,,,vanilla ice cream ! thats all
luhan : yaa ! i want that too 
waiter : nae,,
* waiter pon prgy *
« trutt trutt »
luhan's phone ~
luhan : annyeong,,,wae ?
suho : where are you ?
luhan : at shopping mall,,wae ?
suho : come to hospital now ! palli !
luhan : nae,,, who sick ?
suho : LAY !
suho pon ttup tlefon sbb x nk luhan tnya bnyk soalan,,,luhan pon pndg meja kai,,,kai dh hilang,,,
luhan : ( nme korg ) ! we're must go to hospital now,,
korg : spe sakit ?
luhan : lay !
korg : jinjja ? let's go


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